I am so easily influenced. I swear I could go forever without eating bad for me things. I rarely actually want them. Then I can mention to a friend chocolate or snacks or something. I don't even really want those things either. But if they mention what sounds good to them. I'm.so.screwed. And that Halloween candy I said I should get rid of. I really should have gotten rid of that. Because really...I didn't need to eat the Snickers, no matter how freaking good it was.
And we won't even mention the other things I had tonight. Or how it's not my cheat day. Or how I took two cheat days last week—one I was perfectly happy with and the other I overindulged in.
I don't know why I do these things. I'm rebelling against my body which has been uncooperative. The way I've chosen to rebel is so counterproductive. I know better. That snickers tasted so good though. ...as did the other things I ate that I shouldn't have.
It's now 6am and I am still up. No sleep and excess sugar is no way to ward off the severe random illness both of my kids have.
I'm going to eat something and drink a boatload of water and then I'm going to go to sleep for a little while. Good luck to me.
I accomplished good things tonight and I'm proud of myself—just not in the food department.
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