Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tempting Tuesday.

It's much harder to keep a running log of my food intake on a Tuesday, then a Saturday. So I didn't even try. Suffice it to say that I had a pint of ice cream, a small slice of homemade cheesecake that needs more than a little work, 6-7 slices of deli salami, a tablespoon of Craisins that made my throat hurt, a super small bite of chocolate that wasn't very good, a shared bag of Food Should Taste Good olive tortilla chips, the single best sushi (all gluten-free, eel and bagel roll) I've ever eaten, and then a small amount of the normal everyday things I usually try to eat.

Aside from the sushi, the day was mostly uneventful. In fact, if it wasn't for my earlier lightbulb moments, I would have called today a wash in the food department. It's almost a sad day when sushi is your best cheat. It barely feels like a cheat at all. Back to normal tomorrow.

Oh, and this was the last cheat day of month one. There should technically have been four, but I was already reserving my last weekend cheat day for a Groundhogs Day feast. Gotta celebrate those cute little buggers!

Next Monday I'll post my official inch/pound loss for the month.


  1. What kind of groundhogs day feast will you be having?

  2. Pending the weather, breakfast will be an unprecedented bakery treat with the little girl before I take her to school. I may have bacon with my real breakfast. At some point I will have Daniel's cheesecake, but I think it's only fair if I have regular cake for the day too. It may be the only time this year I have cake. I've decided it's worth it for the groundhogs. I'll see how I feel about that statement on Thursday. =)
