Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day!!

The last week has been really trying. PMS unexpectedly kicked in early and it was overwhelming and my god, what do you do with these extra hormones that are attacking you and turning you into someone you no longer recognize? I'm still in the midst of it and I'm rolling my eyes at what I just typed. And yet...there it is anyway.

Last night I worked out for the first time in too long. I forfeited working out last month and it does not suit me. I'm happy to reclaim what I forget I love. I'm starting out slow, but intend on steady progress and I can't wait to kill it. It feels good to finally be excited about something when excitement has been lacking recently.

two scrambled eggs. I was going to just have cupcakes for breakfast, but I'm in a good mindset and I refuse to squander it. A good for you breakfast was required.

tasted the cannoli I bought yesterday. I ate less than half of it and ended up spitting out the shell because it was no longer crunchy. The inside, while good, was so sweet to me that it hurt my teeth. The super fast sweetness actually kind of turns my stomach and gives me goosebumps in that unpleasant sort of way. Next up: Cupcakes!

caramel latte. Andes. double chocolate.

The cake part of the caramel latte was the best. All of the frosting was unbearably sweet. These were regular sized cupcakes and the cake part was just below the cupcake cups. I had a small bite of each one and then ate half of the caramel latte cake part. There was also a chocolate chip cookie purchased and I had a small bite of that. That was actually pretty good. I'm ready for something not so sweet.

cranberry and chipotle sausage with steamed broccoli and black beans.

Not 100% real food, but close enough.

The girl and I had cookies. She tasted my chocolate chip and I tasted her shortbread.

The boy and I had Food Should Taste Good olive tortilla chips. We snacked on these off and on for a while.

eta on 2.4.11 9:10am:

5-6 Keebler Deluxe Grahams

I was reminded of these chocolate covered grahams a couple days ago and I figure today would be the only day I would excuse my eating them. It might just have been the nostalgia, but they still tasted really good. I only wanted a few though and the aimless snacking craving I expected never came. I brought the rest of the package (and the other three cupcakes) next door. I had also gotten a Russel Stover's marshmallow egg. I had a bite. It's not my cup of tea anymore.

Lone Star- filet mignon and half of a half rack of ribs. sweet potato with butter. some fries. an unprecedented roll with cinnamon butter. Some apple cobbler for dessert.

The filet was so good and cooked just shy of medium rare. The ribs were too saucy, but still good. I figured I may as well have dessert. It is Groundhog Day afterall!

mini snickers, almond joy, whoppers

I was so full after dinner, but then eventually I wanted to take advantage of my day and I was reminded that I had intended on a Snickers. Instead of a big one, I just had Halloween leftovers.

5-6 dates

Dates sounded really good the other day as a clean cheat of sorts. It's not something I can have the rest of the week so I had some. It will probably be the sort of cheat I have from now on on cheat days.

I'm really kind of over all the processed sugar. Today was a gluten/wheat exception, but otherwise I doubt I'll have any for a while. From now on I expect cheat days will consist of sushi and maybe rice noodles sometimes. I'm really kind of over the cheat day in excess thing and now that my severe pms is waning, I'm not craving ridiculous things anymore.

I'm going to make February a kickass sort of month. I'm really excited about it. We're just four days in and I've already created a plan and established a routine that I'm committed to. It feels really good to have this back.

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