Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 13

Meal #1 9:15am
2 eggs
vegetable stir fry
2 pieces of bacon

Bacon makes breakfast prep so much longer, but it's so worth it.

Snack #1 11:45am
red pepper
one slice of bacon

No picture. I was in the car.

Meal #2 1:30pm
tuna (no mayo)
banana with almond butter

This was a makeshift lunch because I was out. Thanks for the watermelon, Lisa! Sorry about the tuna.

Meal #3 3:30pm
Hamburger with avocado
tomato slices with fresh mozzarella

Snack #2 5pm
3oz Greek yogurt with watermelon
20 macadamia nuts and almonds

I am so hungry today. I loathe days like this. Even when I'm full, I'm still hungry. It's not even a craving to eat. I'm just hungry.

I've been consistently working out more. I always get hungrier when I work out. The problem is, I still get full really easily, so I eat what I can, but then I'm hungry again so soon. I don't know how to fix this...or if it's something that even needs to be fixed. So frustrating.

eta at 8:45pm:
I get wrapped up in the food thing. Sometimes I just want there to be an easy yes or no to it all. I need to stop wishing for an easy way and just take the way.

I walked tonight. It felt good to get out of the house and away from the food. My walk was really good too. I had more energy than I've had in an incredibly long time.

Doesn't this look good?

It's what my daughter insisted on having for dinner—two pieces of toast with a little butter, smothered in Parmesan cheese. It's not far from something I may have settled on for a snack six months ago. Or a meal. Sometimes it might have been with a bowl of noodles and sauce.

I did not have this for dinner. I wasn't hungry when the kids ate. I'm glad I don't eat this way matter how good it smelled.

Meal #4 9:45pm
Hamburger with avocado and peppers

Tuna sounded better—lighter, but I didn't want to have two cans in one day. I also wanted to make sure I got in another good meal.

I feel bloated again tonight. I'll attribute it to the watermelon/extra fruit for now. Interestingly, I still want more watermelon. Even before I ate, and even now despite having this very full feeling, the urge is still present. It's purely psychological. I'm not planning on having any anyway. It's just nice to be able to recognize it and label it for what it is.

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