Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 27

Meal #1 10:45am
2 baked egg scrambles
2 slices of raw goat milk cheese
orange juice
~12 ounces of coffee with a minimal amount of heavy whipping cream

I made crock pot chicken soup this morning. It's chilly outside. My legs hurt again. I don't know if I'm getting sick or not, but I figured I'd make chicken soup before I did.

Breakfast was good. I needed something quick and easy.

Coffee sounded good today. I had it over the course of an hour or so around 11 or 12pm.

Meal #2 2:15pm
leftover steak
squash with cinnamon
pumpkin puree
Sticky Sticks

I am just not a fan of squash. The pumpkin puree was still really good. I think that's what I'm going to have in place of mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving.

Meal #3 7pm
Chicken soup

I paid extra for the organic chicken. It's the best I can do right now. The soup turned out really good this time. I still needed to add a little bit of salt, but otherwise it was perfect. The chicken and organic celery totally make this soup.

Pie! 8pm

*no picture*

The pie is so much better the second day. The crust is still a tad bit too salty and I'm still not especially a fan of the pumpkin pie spice, but to its credit, the pie is actually really good today.

Meal #4 9:30pm
tuna with mayo
peppers and avocado
small smoothie with 20 assorted nuts

I ate a couple pieces of cantaloupe, but I wasn't enjoying it like I had thought, so I made a small smoothie instead.

EotD Comments:
This is the last week if September. Part of me feels like something is coming to an end, but mostly I'm not fazed by the end of the month. Yes, October will bring warm apple donuts from the orchard and Spumoni from the best ice cream parlor ever before both places close for the winter, but otherwise I'm not going to change anything.

I enjoy eating this way. I enjoy the progress and I especially enjoy how I feel. I can't imagine being any other way.


  1. Did I read that correctly? Apple donuts? When are we going? Horray! Does that mean I might get you to try my apple cake?

  2. The orchard closes in October. Of course apple donuts! Yes, I will try your cake. You will not sucker me into a whole piece though.

  3. Psh, that's fine. I will eat the rest of the piece.
