Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 6

16oz glass of hot water with lemon and honey

My sore throat and congestion got worse last night. I was really hoping that I wouldn't get sicker and honestly, I'm really disappointed. I'm trying to not let it get me down. I did some research on Paleo/homeopathic remedies and I'm going to try some and see if they help.

In the past when I've gotten sick, a simple cold usually kicks my ass for weeks. That's the part I'm trying to not think about this go around. My colds usually stick around until they turn into something more serious and then I have go to the doctor and they put me on antibiotics. I do not want to go on antibiotics. I'm determined to kick this myself.

16oz hot water with lemon and honey

Meal #1 12pm
2 hard-boiled eggs with mayo, pepper and chili powder
avocado and pepper slices

Food is good. I keep having to tell myself this today. I didn't much feel like eating, at least this tasted good in spite of that.

Snack #1 4:15pm

I walked today after taking two unscheduled days off—not that I ever "schedule" days off. I just couldn't get a walk in with other things going on. Although my legs ache from being sick, it still felt really good to be outside again...despite the drizzling and lack of sun. I thought about drinking the smoothie before the walk, but I just couldn't bring myself to eat yet. I had an 8oz glass of hot water before I left though and drank a bottle of water on my walk. I drank the smoothie pretty much just because I thought I should.

I'm making chicken soup. I've never made it from scratch without a seasoning packet. I think it'll still be really good, probably even better. I definitely need it. My goal is to have a bowl of it around 8pm and then try to be asleep by 10. The eating healthy thing is easy for me. Going to bed early? Not so much. I need to suck it up tonight though.

Meal #2 6pm
4oz sirloin
red pepper and avocado slices

I'm still not so hungry. I think it's important that I eat though. I haven't eaten much today. I decided my body's resources were better spent making me healthy again than trying to digest a bunch of food I didn't even want.

I've been trying to stay super hydrated and with no appetite to begin with, those 16oz glasses of hot water with honey and lemon fill me up pretty entirely.

The sirloin for dinner was just as freaking good tonight though as it was yesterday, despite my lack of desire to eat.

Bonus picture:
My kids, who are rarely on board with the Primal thing, requested this for dinner tonight. They each asked for seconds and then thirds. It was a very rewarding Mommy moment.

Meal #4 9pm
Bowl of homemade chicken soup

For my first try at soup, this is pretty damn good. Despite putting in less pepper than a few recipes called for, it's still really peppery, which has its pros and cons with a sore throat. Next time I'll need to add more salt too. I haven't seasoned anything with salt in so long that I almost forgot to use it at all. It wasn't enough though, so I ended up adding more after the soup finished cooking. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with it.

I'll add the recipe here soon, but I'll probably tweak it a bit first and make it again before I do that.

An hour after eating the soup, my sinuses are still clear even though my throat continues to be sore, but hey, my throat was sore anyway.

Snack #2 10pm
20 almonds

I was hungrier after the soup than I've been all day, so I decided to eat a little more. I have to stay up for a bit longer to wait for the soup to cool off enough to put in the fridge. I'll be going to bed shortly though.

End of day comments:
I stopped writing them down, but I ended up having nine or ten glasses of hot water with honey and lemon. I wish I would have had more plain water today, but I'm happy to just be hydrated.

I keep meaning to write about my water intake actually. I never keep track of it because I always drink so much. I drink about five liters a day. I really like water so it's not hard to consume that much without even noticing. I have a friend who loathes water and will drink anything but, and it drives me crazy.

I realize that I'm extremely fortunate in the fact that I enjoy—that I crave—eating all of these "good for you" foods. Some days it comes easier than others though, and I do recognize that it is definitely not always easy for everyone. Some people are good at things I completely suck at; I just happen to excel at this. I think it's important to embrace what you're good at and to take pride in it.

Now I'm going to embrace the suck though and go to sleep early.

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