Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Homemade Almond Butter

I decided last week that I would try making my own almond butter. Today I ran out of my regular stuff, so it was now or never.

I had bought a three pound bag of almonds, but split it up into two batches. This filled an entire almond butter jar.

I poured the almonds in the food processor and turned it on. It's loud. Really loud. After five or ten seconds, it's quiets down though.

Then it looks like almond meal for a while and you just let it do its own thing. It feels like forever. I had to stop it to scrape the sides. The almond meal clumped together a lot.

After about 10-12 minutes of just being dusty almond meal, it finally started to thicken up and eventually formed this ball that just spun around and around. Little piece started separating from the ball and eventually there were more and more and soon the ball was a thick liquid-y substance—almond butter! I scraped the sides a few more times and when I got sick of watching it spin around, I called it quits.

This almond butter is good. Really good. Probably better than any of the store bought ones, and I've tried many of them. It's also cheaper than the store bought ones and I know exactly what is in it. The best thing is that it has yet to separate, so I never have to mix it.

Next up for homemade concoctions, will be coconut butter!

eta on 9.22.10:
The almond butter still hasn't separated and it doesn't appear that it will.

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