Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 5

6oz glass of orange juice

Meal #1 10:15am
2 pasture-raised eggs
sauteed red peppers, zucchini, carrots, mushrooms

This is the end of my pasture-raised eggs. I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do. I need to call a nearby farm and ask how much theirs are, otherwise I need to reevaluate the importance of eggs.

Snack #1 12:45pm
only 1 tbsp almond butter
10 almonds

So I finally measured the amount of coconut milk kefir I use in my smoothie. It's so much less than I would have thought. I measured out a half cup of kefir and it's more than I normally use. So it's probably only about 3 ounces. Also, I ran out of almond butter. This needs to be remedied immediately.

Meal #2 3:45pm
can of tuna with avocado and pepper slices

I'm actually really hungry. So hungry, in fact, that I'm already thinking about how I'm still going to be hungry after I finish eating this.

eta: 4:15pm
4oz glass of oj
20 almonds

I gave myself some time to digest after I finished eating, but I was still hungry. I feel better now that I ate some more.

Random fact: I've been weighing myself every day for five months. It's gotten to the point now that, despite the fact that my weight fluctuates 2-6 pounds, I can still tell you the exact weight I'll be without fail when I step on that scale. I think eventually it'll be the same way with food. I'll be so in tune with my nutritional needs that I'll be able to prepare food accordingly.

eta comments:
That second glass of orange juice today is having the same affect on me as the extra strawberries and apples. I'm going to have to completely limit my fruit intake to smoothies for a week and see if that helps. Now I'm on a quest for other sources of Vitamin C.

Meal #3 6:45pm
4 oz sirloin
1/2 zucchini shredded with organic spaghetti sauce

The picture shows about 6 ounces of meat, but I split it up and gave some to the kids who insisted they had to have some. The sirloin was freaking amazing by the way.

When I realized I couldn't put Parmesan cheese on my zucchini, I was really bummed, but figured I'd give it a try without. I always forget how good this spaghetti sauce is. I didn't need the cheese to mask it at all. Dinner tasted so good and was exactly what I needed to change things up.

It took a good couple hours to recover from the orange juice. I still don't feel great, but I do feel much better. I've found that these things take about four hours and then I'm good again.

Normally I would have eaten some crackers or bread to counteract the feeling from the orange juice. Sometimes I would have just munched on any old carbs. Today I contemplated eating some chips, but then I remembered yesterday and knew they would have their own reaction. Then I thought maybe I would have some of my son's gluten-free crackers, but that just seemed like cheating. Covering one reaction to food with another food wasn't going to negate the problem at hand, so I didn't have anything. It worked out well and I proved to myself once again that I have just as much willpower as I'm willing to permit.

Snack #2 10:15pm
Puffins cereal with rice milk

Alright, I've had a bowl of cereal. It was completely unsatisfying, but now my desire for cereal is out of my system. On to bigger and better things.

Meal #4 10:45pm
Hamburger with red pepper slices

I had to eat some real food after the cereal.


  1. Have you tried the farmers market in janesville? They might have the right kind of eggs there. Also, that bushel and peck's place might have the type of egg's you are looking for too.

  2. I was at Bushel and Peck's last week, but forgot to check their eggs. I'll have to stop by there Sat morning. Thanks for the Janesville suggestion! We should do that together.
