Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 20

Meal #1 10:15am
two eggs
sauteed peppers, zucchini and carrots
three slices bacon
glass of orange juice

I made more muffins this morning—muffins I can't have. They smelled divine though. I heard from lots of people they were amazing. Eyes rolling in the back of their head amazing. The muffins, oddly, weren't a tempt for me at all. I did feel bad spending money on and supporting regular milk, regular eggs, and regular flour. I just couldn't spend that kind of money on something that a) I wouldn't be eating and b)would go unnoticed to anyone who was eating it.

My breakfast was very good.

Meal #2 1:45pm
tuna with mayo
pepper and avocado

Snack #1 3:15pm
20 assorted nuts

Meal #3 6:15pm
hamburger with avocado and peppers
baked eggplant slices

I sliced up the eggplant and then lightly cooked them on the griddle in bacon fat and then I transfer them to the cookie sheet and let them bake the rest of the way in the oven, with a couple extra minutes on broil. They were surprisingly good. I seasoned them with basil, oregano and garlic powder.

Snack #2 7:15pm
banana and almond butter sandwiches with blueberries

Meal #4 11:30pm
egg salad with a half pepper

I added a pinch of salt, if that, to my egg salad. The eggs were two left over hard boiled store bought eggs. Two more and then I'll be 100% pastured egg girl.

I need to start going to bed earlier so I'm not eating another meal so late. Today was a weird day with food. The numbers are there for meals and snacks, but I don't feel like I ate much today. I didn't want for food; I just don't really remember eating.

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