Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 25

Meal #1 12pm
thinly sliced steaks
one and a quarter slices of bacon
leftover cauliflower and broccoli
pepper slices

what was left

I went mostly unplugged this morning. I spent a couple hours cleaning and going through papers. Being productive around the house has been a good alternative to being productive with fitness. I've found that I'm better able to just sit and go through stuff than I used to be. It's an interesting dynamic to be able to slip so comfortably between "boring" downtime and energetic activity time.

I made more food than I was hungry for. I figured that out as soon as I looked at my plate. The best part though was that I decided to stop eating when I felt myself becoming content. I knew I could eat more later if I wanted to. I didn't have to finish the bacon just because it's so freaking good. I knew I didn't have to eat the last piece of steak.

Meal #2 2:45pm
mini smoothie
mini burger
avocado and pepper slices
piece of bacon

I wanted a smoothie. I wanted bacon. I wanted a burger. I compromised.

Meal #3 6:30pm
egg salad with pepper basil and chili powder
organic celery almond butter and Craisins
acorn squash with butter, cinnamon, salt and pepper

It is apparently hodgepodge day. I'm really rather enjoying Hodgepodge Day. In fact, I'm going to make Hodgepodge Day a weekly (or biweekly) event.

This meal was actually really freaking good. It was this weird combination of sweet and salty and spicy and savory. The Sticky Sticks (I'm on a roll with this naming stuff today) were this perfect dessert, without actually being any kind of dessert.

I haven't been hungry today, except the times I've eaten. Snacks seemed kind of silly when I knew I was hungry enough to eat a full meal. Eating a little bit, knowing I'd have to eat again within the hour seemed pointless. I'm sure part of this is the fact that I haven't been working out as hard consistently, but also I think the primal/paleo stuff is really solidifying for my body. I've grown accustomed to this lifestyle and this food. I'm comfortable with it. I'm comfortable now letting my body guide me instead of my head.

Hodgepodge Day is the new Breakfast for Dinner.

Meal #4 9pm
squash with butter and cinnamon

I got really hungry all of a sudden. Now that I've eaten, it dawns on me that I would have preferred to have tuna, but forgot about it. Oh well. I'm actually still kind of hungry. Well...maybe not hungry per se, but I want something. I want apples with almond butter. I'll work out first. I don't feel like working out. I'm going to suck it up anyway.

On a sidenote, butter. I don't like butter. I was thinking before I ate it tonight that it was time to come clean about my feelings for butter. How I don't actually hate it. How I find the concept of it revolting. How it's greasy and gross and how it makes things taste so freaking good. But now that I've eaten, I am reminded why I always say I hate butter.

I very rarely eat butter. I'm one of those people who doesn't spread butter on their pancakes or waffles. I barely scrape butter on toast. I don't like butter on corn on the cob. I won't eat butter on hot blueberry muffins. It's not that it doesn't taste good sometimes (on hot blueberry muffins, for instance) but I just can't bring myself to eat it.

So tonight was big for me that I had some on my squash. It did make it taste good. I'll admit that. But now I feel...heavy. Greasy. Buttery. I don't know. I can't explain it right. It's just too much. I like simple. I'm a raw red pepper girl.

Snack #1 10:45pm
half apple/half banana with almond butter

I set out to do four sets of my workout and ended up doing seven. I needed to eat afterward. I am full and sore. It was a great workout though.

EotD Comments:
My body isn't happy with me. I don't know if it's food or the workout. Something feels wrong though. I'm going to go to sleep.

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