Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 24

Meal #1 9:45am
two eggs
zucchini, peppers, carrots, mushrooms, turmeric
two slices bacon
orange juice

My daughter has no school today, so I slept in a bit today. Breakfast was yummy. I think I've decided I'm not a fan of the orange juice in the morning because I'm not ready for something so sweet.

I'm off to get my pastured eggs!

Meal #2 1pm
burger with pepper and avocado
sauteed cauliflower and broccoli

Meal #3 5pm
egg salad
avocado and pepper slices

Okay, first. There is nothing wrong with avocado and red peppers...which is why I feel the need to have them at every meal. Seriously though, I go to the store and I walk through the produce department and nothing looks as good. I even make other things and I always want to come back to those. I know it might seem really odd and especially boring, but it works for me.

Also I can't find my steamer and I can only eat a minimal amount of oil or fat flavored sauteed vegetables—I'm just not that into them.

Secondly, these are still the single greatest eggs I've ever had. I don't even need to add spices to the egg salad. It's perfectly flavored as is.

I didn't intend on not having any snacks today. I was in and out of the house all day and every time I got back, I needed to eat an actual meal. I might actually eat some more sooner than later. I'm still pretty hungry. We'll see. I'll clean the kitchen first. Kitchen cleaning is always such a good distractions.

Snack #1 7pm
slice of cantaloupe
handful of grapes
barely 1/2 of a small spoonful of almond butter

*no picture*

I don't know that I'd even call this a snack. It was impromptu. I was juggling cleaning the kitchen and cleaning out the fridge (I cleaned out the fridge!) and making food for the kids. I got hungry so I ate what I could, when I could.

Snack #2 8:30pm
almnana sandwiches with blueberries
half of an already tiny burger
strip and a half of bacon

I was torn on how exactly I wanted to do food tonight. I know I want to work out again, but I hadn't eaten anything too substantial since 5pm. So I ate this snack and hopefully it'll tide me over and I won't have to eat after my workout.

EotD Comments:
At 10:30pm, I was seconds away from working out and testing whether or not I'd need/want to eat after the workout. It wasn't in the cards apparently though because as I took my stance to start squats, my boy started crying.

Off-Topic Mommy Moment:
There's this moment as a parent, where you hear a small whimper and you think, "oh no, he's sick." You can just tell. I gave him about 20 seconds and as soon as he started saying "mama" I went in. This boy was covered in food that had defied gravity and made its way back out. There are no words other than that.

I spent the next hour cleaning him and his eyelashes and his bed and everything else imaginable. Once he wasn't shivering anymore, he was actually in good spirits. We shared an unprecedented snuggle and then he went back to sleep while I went to work on his sheets. Now it's 11:45pm and not only do I not want to work out, but I don't want to eat anything either. Maybe I won't eat tomorrow either... Ha.

/end Mommy Momment rant

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