Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 15

Meal #1 8am
two eggs
sauteed vegetables

I was up and active by 6:30am and even had my breakfast all chopped up and ready to be cooked before I took the daughter to the bus stop. I wasn't so hungry when I made food. I ate my breakfast slowly and ended up not eating all of it.

My energy is good, but I still feel like crud. It's crossed my mind to blame it on the kefir, now that I've switched back to the whole milk kefir, but I didn't have a smoothie for two days. I'm at a loss. I'll continue with no tomatoes or mozzarella. I probably won't have any Greek yogurt today either. I'll cross my fingers with the kefir. At this point, eating again doesn't sound appetizing at all anyway.

Snack #1 10:15am
15 macadamia nuts and almonds

I'm starting to feel better.

Meal #2 1:30pm
sirloin and pork ribs
cauliflower and red peppers

I feel so much better now. I'm still not very hungry. It's an odd contrast to just two days ago. I was all prepared to watch my willpower put up a fight with my insatiable hunger...and then it disappeared! I'm certainly not complaining. It's just odd.

Meal #3 6:45pm
80/20 Primal pizza (recipe to follow soon)

Mushroom Bacon Pineapple Pizza

1/2 Bacon 1/2 Garlic and Parmesan Breadsticks
One piece is upside down so you can see what the bottom looks like.

I happened upon a recipe for Primal pizza crust aka Oopsie crust at Simply Primal, which actually came from Diana at The Wilderness Wilde and originated, to the best of my knowledge, as the Oopsie Roll from Jamie over at Your Lighter Side. I decided to make it tonight, despite the fact that I'd decided to keep things simple and stay away from cheese. I get so sick of that so quickly; I'm impatient.

So I made this pizza tonight and it was so easy! Better yet though, it tasted so good. It really tastes like regular pizza. If only I had sat down with a few slices on a plate and eaten it properly instead of, taking pictures and texting and eating as I went along. Needless to say I wasn't paying attention (because it was so freaking good!) and I ate way too much. Also I have pictures of the pizzas, but I honestly have no idea how much I ate.

Now that I've done some research on the Oopsie roll, I can't wait to play around with it and make some extras to keep on hand in the freezer. Today was a good day for finding good recipe reference blogs.

I especially like Simply Primal. Sarah's got a bunch of great recipes (particularly The Bowl of Awesome) I can't wait to try!

Meal #4 9:15pm
boneless pork ribs
red peppers

I'm not exactly hungry. I wanted something substantial though. I feel like I've been snacking on pizza and never really got in an adequate dinner. Despite the pizza debacle (such good pizza!) I haven't had much of an appetite today. I know those Primals talk about how they don't need to eat much, but I've spent the last week thinking I'd be the exception. My hunger is really starting to level out.

I'm still going to make sure I'm consuming enough and god knows I gain weight when I don't eat, but for now I'm okay to just follow what my body is telling me. Right now (even though it's 11:15pm already) my body is telling me I am still very very full from this meal.

EotD Comments:
I wanted to buy chocolate tonight. I went to the store and stood in front of it for 10 minutes. I would have bought the sensible vice chocolate. I had it in my hands and put it back a dozen times. I thought maybe I could just buy it and then if I decided later that I wanted it, I could have some...except I had "respect your home" repeating in my head ad nauseum. So I talked myself out of that idea. I thought then that maybe I'd just have some. It sounded really good...except it's mid-September and this is my month.

There was no reason I could find to justify the purchase. Or the splurge. So I didn't get it.

Then I had to run to another store for something Primal-friendly. While I was there, I checked out their chocolate...just so I would know "for next time." This could have been a disastrous mistake, I held my own here too though and still didn't buy any chocolate. It's more gratifying that I didn't buy any chocolate than actually eating it would have ever been. I'm really proud of myself.

Taste Test 1:30am
I made another batch of Oopsies. This time the rolls. I wanted to test something out. I ate that little one.

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