Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 3 Update

I realized today it probably would have been helpful to have a weekly status report of some kind. So today is my Week 3 update.

My weight fluctuates a lot, and even though I've been eating really well for over five months, my weight had pretty much plateaued for three of those months. This month I've started to see more progress again though. Since going Primal I've lost four pounds. Even though it's less than I expected, I'm going to take the win and take pride in my progress.

More than any weight results, I really love how I feel. I've got so much energy and I never tire from activities. I feel healthy, even if my weight isn't there yet. Going Primal might be the best thing I ever did for myself.

I noticed on the sidebar today that I wrote that my goal was to be 100% Primal in food and fitness by the end of the month. I don't know that I'm going to be able to fully accomplish this. Food, yes. Fitness...maybe not exactly. I'm still pretty set on my fitness routines for now and I'm not willing to tweak them.

It's really not even that important since a lot of what I already did was borderline Primal anyway, but it won't be 100%. Also, since I got my tattoo, I haven't been able to wear shoes and while Primal loves no shoes, I can't risk going barefoot outside for exercise. So my workouts have been limited to non-foot things (girlie push ups, squats, pull up bar exercises, etc) and no walks. I'll go back to better exercising the moment I can have my shoes back. I miss my walks exponentially.

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